Please keep in mind that not all is true and these are just for fun!
Link to Find out how much of an Internet geek you are @!
My thoughts on it: I don't think it's thaaaat much, but close enought!
Link to What Genre Of Manga Are You?
My thoughts on it: this image was really hard to read, they should have used a different color for the text or for the background.
Link to
Cattell 16 Factor personality test
My thoughts on it: the results are surpinzingly correct for the most part.
Link to What type of otaku are you?
My thoughts on it: While it got right that I'm a casual, I do research a lot about Japan, way more than implied in the Quiz results, I'm very interest in Japan's story and culture, I'd go as far as to say that I'm more of an history nerd than a manga and anime otaku. I kind of do identify as geek and artist tho, not really really cause, not gonna lie, I'm a noob. I wonder where did it get artist from cause there was no question related to it.
Link to I Write Like
Observation: I actually got various altors depending on what specific writing piece I put on the style detector, but I choose to feature Cory Doctorow in specific because most of my texts got him in the detector.
My thoughts on it: most of the results were fitting, some weren't, I don't think my writing is as often that direct like the decetor sugests by the main results, but I definitelly write in a very direct sometimes.
Hello My name is |
Chante |
I am |
alien, androgynous, animal lover, artsy, bi-romantic, bisexual, bouncy, chubby, confused, creative, creature, curious, cute, demon, dork, dreamer, dude, dunno yet, eccentric, eclectic, feminist, fluid, freak, friend of Dorothy, gay, gay-friendly, geek, gender anarchist, gender bender, gender dysphoric, gender euphoric, gender fluid, gender outlaw, gender transcender, genderfuck, genderful, genderqueer, guy, homo, illusionist, indecisive, introvert, LGBTQIA, ma'am, man-loving, metamorph, mister, monoflexible, multifacetted, multigender, nerd, not sure of myself, odd, omnisexual, open, other-gendered, pan-romantic, pansexual, passionate, polygender, pomosexual, pro-choice, pro-gay, queer, queer-friendly, queersexual, random, same gender loving, sensitive, shapeshifter, shy, sir, stealth, strange, trans, trans-friendly, trans-loving, transgender, transperson, transqueer, undecided, undeclared, undefined, unique, unspecified, unsure, wannabe, weird, woman-loving |
Link to Who are you? |
My apologies for the lengt of this one, I got so happy and euphoric with all the options that I clicked almost everything that aplies to me, lol
Your Metallum Animae Is Aluminum
link to Aluminium
"Aluminums are typically analytical and curious, and they're nearly always eager to explore, try, and learn new things. They tend to be quick thinkers, so they can easily think and make decisions on their feet. They love making themselves useful and are often eager to volunteer their help or suggestions. They'll usually pour their hearts and souls into whatever they do because they want to leave a good impression.
On the downside, aluminums can also be a bit shortsighted. They might be good at thinking quickly, but it doesn't mean they've thought it through. Thus their hastily-devised plans and schemes can land them in hot water. Their eagerness to impress can make them annoyingly ingratiating, and sometimes they get so carried away in talking about their ideas and opinions that they don't notice they've drowned everyone else out. Sometimes they get so wrapped up in something that catches their interest that they forget that other people have wants and needs, too; or their fascination with the subject overrides their sense of tact and they end up saying something a bit insensitive."
Link to What Is Your Metallum Animae?
My thoughts on it: Kind of! I've gotten good at realizing when I'm talking too much to the liking of those around me and I forget my own needs duw to hyperfocus way more often than I forget other, actually I tend to pay more attention to other people's needs than mine...